Violation of labour law during the COVID in the United States. Know the facts
The COVID pandemic has led to an increase in the number of labor-related lawsuits. In particular, there have been many labor violations since the pandemic hit the global economy.
Jackson Lewis have developed a meter of labor violations filed in the United States, categorizing them by territorial scope (state or federal level), by the reason for the violation (breach of contract, lack of worker accommodation, discrimination, lack of security for workers, among other reasons) as well as by professional sectors (transportation, manufacturing, construction, public sector, financial, real estate, among many others).
Through this meter of these demands, it is known that the states with the most demands regarding labor violations have been California (271 demands in total), New Jersey (170 demands in total) and Florida (109 demands in total).
Thus, the sectors where the most lawsuits have been filed regarding labor violations and breaches have been the health sector (328 lawsuits in total), manufacturing (117 lawsuits in total) and the consumer and trade goods sector (99 lawsuits in total).
Screenshot from Jackson Lewis' webpage
This measure (called LitWatch) is made up of thousands of civil lawsuits registered every day and compiled by the Courthouse News Service (CNS).
The data collected in this meter covers the period from January 2020 to December 2020. To access this data, click here.
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