Lawsuit evidences electoral fraud in the US and revives Trump's electoral aspirations
The attempt by the mainstream press to silence what is simply part of reality is becoming one of the most embarrassing exercises in the history of journalism. Leaving aside the bias towards one of the two candidates for the White House, Donald Trump's chances of winning a second term are still real.
For example, the lawyer Sidney Powell "just got the Kraken" out of court and is trying to prove massive electoral fraud. Powell, who, although not part of the legal representation of the still president of the United States, and disassociating himself from the legal strategy devised by Rudy Giuliani, is supporting the lawsuit against the Estates of Georgia and Michigan on the assumption of so-called "ballot stuffing", in this case not by hand but by hacking into the Dominion Voting System software, the same used by the regime of the former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez to rig the elections in Venezuela, and also employed in 16 US states for the final count of the electoral race.
Sidney Powell
Powell's lawsuit carefully exposes the alleged electoral rigging. It focuses on the manipulation of the software used to count the votes.
While part of society demands the inclusion of advanced technology for electoral processes, a certain amount of mistrust is aroused regarding its use, since contrary to what it seems, it may be the ideal means of altering the natural result of an election.
In any case, the demand is based on the following points:
- Fraud was eventually perpetrated by many means, but the main one was the so-called "ballot stuffing" technique. This practice, which used to be more easily traced - as it depended on manual rigging - is now highly sophisticated and sibiline, as it is executed through complex computer systems ("it has now been amplified and rendered virtually invisible").
- The alleged massive fraud involves the software and hardware of Dominion Voting System Corporation ("Dominion"), which Georgia Governor Brian Kemp - also a Republican - bought for the election count. Now Kemp appears to be a bouncer from Trump's orbit, who says he is ashamed to have supported his candidacy.
- These voting machines called Sequoia - also sold to Dominion - were used in 16 states, not just Georgia and Michigan.
- Dominion's Smartmatic software market operates beyond the US, having been used in countries such as Venezuela, where it was used to manipulate the 2004 elections won by dictator Hugo Chávez.
- Smartmatic's electoral technology was called "Electoral Management System", which pioneered this type of electoral counting system. The system provides transmission of voting data over the Internet to a central computerized tabulation centre. This system is activated through a digital screen that recognizes the voter's fingerprint which in turn is supposedly computerized, located.
- According to the complaint, the problem lies in the fact that the features of the Dominion software do not allow an audit to reveal a poor electoral allocation, an arbitrary redistribution or simply the elimination of some votes.
- In fact, the system's central accumulator does not include a reliable real-time record that keeps track of all voters.
- The key components of the system use unprotected registries, which allow an unauthorized user the opportunity to arbitrarily add, modify or delete registry entries.
To make matters worse, according to the lawsuit, what happened at the State Farm Arena is evidence of electoral fraud. On November 3, 2020, after the polls closed, the election workers proved a false water leak that required the closure of the facility. All election workers were evacuated from the site for several hours at around 10:00 pm; but some remained on the premises until 1:00 am. During this time, several workers were working unsupervised on the tabulation machines and were able to alter the election results as they wished.
According to Powell, there is incontrovertible physical evidence that the physical security standards of the voting machines were violated, and it is evident that the machines were connected to the Internet, in violation of all sorts of state and federal laws.
In addition, the accounts of Fulton's workers in the investigation are contradictory and not true enough to quell the rumors of voter fraud.
The Fulton case is therefore the empirical revelation of fraud that makes the thesis consistent for the Trump supporters.
The aforementioned Brian Kemp and Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger - also a Republican - ignored all the reflections that led the Texas Board of Elections in 2018 not to use Dominion's software, as it was "highly vulnerable" to undetected and unauditable manipulation. Therefore, based on the precedent set by Texas, the use of this mechanism in other states could slip the idea of negligent behaviour on the part of Kemp and Raffensperger, or directly of prevarication for the sake of further electoral rigging.
Dr. Andrew Appel, a computer science professor and election security expert at Princeton, recently had this to say about the Dominion system: "I found out how this tool changes some votes from one candidate to another. To hack a voting machine, you only need 7 minutes alone with it and a screwdriver".
The lawsuit also demonstrates the statement of a former electronic intelligence analyst with experience in SAM missiles, who claims that agents acting on behalf of China and Iran accessed Dominion software to monitor and manipulate elections, including, of course, the November 2020 presidential election. That statement also includes a copy of Dominion Systems' patent records in which Eric Coomer - who allegedly has ties to Antifas - is listed as the first of its inventors.
Expert Navid Keshavarez-Nia states, and this is reflected in the lawsuit, that Dominion's software is vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorised means and allows the alternation of electoral data in all states on the battlefield. It concludes that hundreds of thousands of votes cast for President Trump were transferred to former Vice President Biden.
According to the lawsuit, the Election Board records show that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were solicited and counted in which the voter never registered his or her voter turnout at the county boards. Therefore, 96,600 votes must be discarded in advance.
In addition, the Dominion system used in Georgia does not appear to show data matching the number of voters and the number of votes cast. Thus, in the November elections, it was discovered during the manual audit that 3,300 votes were found on memory cards that were not loaded on election night. In addition, in Floyd County, another 2,600 ballots had not been scanned. These votes reduced Biden's victory over Donald Trump.
Georgia law, (OCGA 21-5-552) provides for fraud as long as it exists:
(1) Misconduct, fraud or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or question the result; (2) When illegal votes or rejected legal votes have been received at the ballot box sufficient to change or question the result; (3) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or (4) For any other cause showing that another person was legally nominated, elected or eligible to compete in a second primary or election.
Sidney Powell's complaint argues that all of the above grounds are met and compels the Court to set aside the results of the 2020 general election which fraudulently concluded that Mr. Biden defeated President Trump by 12,670 votes.
For now, in addition to Sidney Powell's aforementioned lawsuit, Attorney Lin Wood is also working side by side with the President's team to prove fraud in Georgia. In Pennsylvania, Justice Patricia McCullough was the first to overturn voter certification; and in Nevada a judge has ordered dates for a hearing, blocking certification of votes for Democrat Joe Biden.
Contrary to what the media's millstones project to hammer, Trump's aspirations to revalidate his mandate at the head of the White House are still alive. And this does not mean that Trump is going to be the president elect of what is still the most powerful nation in the world; rather, the legal battle that can-and may-contest the election result of the past presidential elections in November 2020 is still being settled.
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