25 June 2020

Latham & Watkins launches Virtual Experience Program to test and train your legal skills

The recognized firm Latham & Watkins has launched a virtual program where attorneys and legal practitioners could gain experience working on simulated legal tasks. This program has been developed by InsideSherpa.

This initiative was developed without the COVID-19 crisis in mind. This Virtual Experience Program (VEP) is divided into three sections: White Collar Defense & Investigations, Emerging Companies, and Mergers & Acquisitions. It is available for all kinds of professionals, also those without ever setting foot inside a firm.

“We are excited to offer this virtual experience program to you. We hope the program gives you a chance to get to know as better its part as ongoing effort to develop and offer meaning full mentoring and training to out lawyers, as well as those, are starting their careers”, said Ora Fisher, Vice Chair & Partner of Latham & Watkins, in a video posted by the firm in October 2019.

Also, Latham published a press release summarizing the project. “VEP participants complete an online training program, which allows them to receive feedback on simulated legal tasks and gain real-world experience. In addition to the opportunity to undertake legal work, participants will learn more about life at Latham”. 

In this program, the participants would sing up for free and there is no application process involving. The participants must complete mock tasks such as advising on optimizing the allocation of shares.

This project aims to make people understand what it means to work together with Latham & Walkins. This virtual project makes lawyers experience a practical life in a firm.

“As part of our efforts to recruit the best and brightest legal talent, we’re committed to developing and exploring cutting-edge platforms and technology,” said Abid R. Qureshi, Chair of the Recruiting Committee, in the press release.

Brief guide: What is the Latham & Watkins Virtual Experience Program?
  1. Select a Latham & Waltkins program: It is free to sign-up and complete these online programs.
  2. View the task to get started: There are a number of tasks you can complete within each program.
  3. Get video instructions: Each task has video instructions from a firm employee.
  4. Complete the tasks and upload your work: Completion of tasks will unlock example model answers.

For more information: https://www.insidesherpa.com/show-firm-programs/arSzXrwsjWSdYXcb7/Latham&Watkins#lp

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