United States of America

07 January 2021

ABA condemns Capitol assault

After the assault suffered inside the U.S. Capitol (in Washington) thousand of voices within the legal sector condemned this event. The American Bar Association (ABA) published a press release condemning this assault

“It is criminal conduct. President Donald Trump and all other leaders must condemn this violence immediately, demand that it stop, and protect the safety and lives of those inside the Capitol. President Trump has a duty to restore and protect the rule of law”

Also, ABA admitted that the election system “was tested and delivered a free and fair election for the American people” and it trusts in a peaceful transition of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden

“All elected officials and others in positions of civic responsibility must now uphold their oath to defend the Constitution, support a peaceful transition of power, and thereby protect the rule of law”, said ABA in the release.

Many lawyers and legal institutions have condemned the acts of vandalism committed yesterday on the Capitol, and they hope that on 20 January there will be a transition of powers between presidents without social incidents.

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